Powerful and Flexible

Choose your exercise

From more than 50+ exercises, choose exercises that best fit you. Every exercise trains all 12 eye muscles and assist in the rehabilitation of six movement system of eye and promotes positive plasticity in the neural substrates. The result is Improved Dynamic Vision and More Accurate Eye Movements leading to better – Focus, Concentration, Balance, Hand-Eye Co-ordination, and Overall Visual Activity.

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Powerful and Flexible

Test your Eyesight Daily

Has in-built Daily Eye Tests for variety of eye conditions that helps recognize signs for early vision loss, detects potential Eye Disease and Preserves your Eyesight, thus improving overall quality of Life.

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Bring your team together.

Check Progress

Keep track of the Daily, Weekly, monthly and Yearly Progress of Each Eye. Know how much your Vision has improved overtime and you can also update your training regime to improve your vision even faster

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Powerful and Flexible

Level Up and Workout worldwide

Earn fancy Titles and Rewards that are the Proof of your efforts to improve your Eye Vision. Showcase these efforts in a World Platform and workout with Worldwide Eye Buddies.

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Amazing features to convince you

How to Use the App

In the process of making a app, the satisfaction of users is the most important and the focus is on usability and completeness


5000+ happy clients all around the world

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Worldwide EyeBuddy Community

Mosta app are growing by 300% every year with a steady love from users around the world. We are also close to achieving 10 million cumulative downloads.

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